a) To promote National Unity & integrity.
b) To promote fraternity amongst all sets of society.
c) To promote education & to eradicate illiteracy by aiding, establishing and floating schools, remedial classes.
d) To grant scholarship to needy & poor children.
e) To present awards for the writing or services for eradicating illiteracy.
f) To honour the writers or other institutions working for eradicating illiteracy.
g) To develop spirit of co-operation, mutual harmony, love and attention amongst the members and amongst the general public.
h) To start, run and help social scientific research centers, schools, colleges libraries, reading rooms, adult and , non-formal education centre education centers for promotion of knowledge, information and skill among the general public.
i) To organize cultural prgrammes, issue based seminars, workshops, training camps to develop solidarity, capacity as well as to update knowledge among the general public.
j) To organize study tours for the students in different parts of India to give them exposure to new thoughts, ideas activities and sharing of information for up-gradation of their knowledge and skill.
k) To provide for the management of the affairs of the Society in such manners as the association society thínks fit and in particular to appoint salaried and non-salaried women and men as and when necessary on such terms and conditions as to their remuneration’s or honorarium and with such power and authorities as the Society shall deem fit and dismiss, suspend any such women and men or to take legal action if situation demands.
l) To establish adopt or maintain, branches in different part of India.
m) To organize seminar on social justice, educational and economical and economical upliftment to raise legal demands and fundamental rights provided by Constitution of India.
n) To open, establish, promote, setup, run, maintain and manage Centre for Comparative Studies with focus on girls, boys and women and the disadvantaged sections of society.
o) To institute scholarships and help to deserving student and to institute and award prizes for their excellent academic performance.
p) To promote literacy, Cultural and other social activities by Awareness Programs, Adult Education Classes, Essay Competitions, Programs, Exhibitions, Press Conferences Symposiums, and Seminars.
q) To organize Seminars, Meetings, Press Conferences and other lawful gatherings.
r) To approach to the competent court /courts to safeguard the rights of the general public and for the public interest from time to time as the society may deem fit and proper.
s) To do such other things acts /activities which are necessary and witch may be incidental or conductive to the attainment of any of the object of the society.
t) The Society will provide sanitation facilities like
A step taken where students get a plateform to present their ideas and innovative thoughts. Increases the ability to acquire, create and make the best use of competencies,skills and To create awareness,educate, culture of innovation, skills enhancement, value of social responsibility and enable them to generate new ideas and become more innovative.nowledge. Innovative practices can help build a culture of continuous learning, growth and personal development. To develop value of social responsibility mainly focus on taking responsibility for one’s own actions and working for the social, cultural and, ecological causes.
To create awareness,educate, culture of innovation, skills enhancement, value of social responsibility and enable them to generate new ideas and become more innovative.